
분류 전체보기 69

Git ssh Permission denied/scp Connection closed

1. Git(Gerrit) 서버에 ssh public key를 등록했는데 Permission denied 에러가 발생할 때thxxyj@personal-pc MINGW64 /my/workspace (my_branch)$ git pull thxxyj@my-gerrit-server: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. [해결] .ssh/config에 PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa 추가 thxxyj@personal-pc MINGW64 /my/..

Git 2024.09.14

Jenkins declarative parallel build pipeline

아래 블로그의 글이 상황별 parallel build 에 대해 잘 정리되어있음. https://velog.io/@cyeongy/jenkins-parallel-문법 jenkins parallel 문법1. 간단한 병렬 빌드 2. 의존성이 있는 병렬 작업 3. 순서는 존재하나 의존성은 없는 병렬 작업, 빌드velog.io 다음은 블로그 내용을 가져왔습니다. 1. 간단한 병렬 빌드pipeline { agent any stages { stage('First Stage'){ steps{ echo "First Stage" } } stage('Second Stage') { paralle..

Jenkins 2024.04.30

[Jenkins/RobotFW] Error: Opening Robot Framework log failed

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36607394/error-opening-robot-framework-log-failed [Issue] Opening Robot Framework log failed• Verify that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser.• Make sure you are using a modern enough browser. Firefox 3.5, IE 8, or equivalent is required, newer browsers are recommended.• Check are there messages in your browser's JavaScript error log. Please report the..
